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Junket tours to Tbilisi - another option for vacation planning

Автор: , 25.11.2019, 12:06:03 Junket tours to Tbilisi - another option for vacation planning

Planning a vacation is quite a difficult thing to do when you want some diversity. In fact, vacationers don’t have many options: to have a rest in a beautiful place (sea, forest, mountains), excursions or active recreation. Places change, but the essence of entertainment remains the same. Junket tours is another direction that has become available in our country just a few years ago. And if you choose Tbilisi junket, then you get an optimal correlation of price and quality.

Let's dissect what lies behind the word “junket”, and the opportunities you can get during such vacation. Junket - is a kind of recreation with a gambling component. A junket tour is a comfortable holiday, which includes an obligatory visit to a casino.

This practice is widespread in Europe and the USA. Since the 60s of the 20th century, gambling houses have been providing players with all necessary conditions for a comfortable game there. Later on it became a separate line of business.

Casinos work on their own or in corporation with travel agencies, offering guests a "full experience": accommodation in comfortable suits, good food (sometimes even alcohol), entertainment and all kinds of casino table games and slot machines.

Junket tour is an elite rest, where the client gets maximum care and attention. The only necessary condition of this tour is to make a certain number of bets in the casino. It is similar to bonus wagering requirements in online slots real money.

But you don’t need to go too far, there are gambling establishments offering a variety of junket tours on the territory of the CIS as well. For example, Shangri La casinos in Belarus, Armenia, Latvia and Georgia offer a lot of attractive casino tours. On the websites of every unit, there is a convenient way to choose a country and a way of playing.


Special terms of a junket tour

Going on classic vacation to a seaside, each traveler signs an agreement with a travel agency. The document notes place, conditions of residence and meals, number of days and total cost.

When junket tours to Tbilisi, Minsk, Riga and Yerevan are issued, many more terms are noted there:

  • the amount of money a guest need to play in the casino;
  • games in which one undertakes to play;
  • bet sizes for certain games, minimum and maximum limits;
  • the number of hours a guest undertakes to spend in the gambling halls.

These are the precautions to protect the casino from scammers. At the dawn of junket tour development, unscrupulous travelers bought a tour, lived in luxurious conditions, received excellent food and had fun at the expense of the institution, but didn’t gamble in the casino.


Junket tour advantages

In spite of certain restrictions, a guest can choose the most comfortable option from the very beginning of the casino tour. Most often this option is determined by the amount of money one desires to gamble on.

When the amount of money is determined, one can see what additional conditions he/she can expect:

  • the level of the apartment;
  • type of food;
  • additional services such as: excursions, massages, entertainment shows, participation in tournaments and so on.

Most of the gambling companies include the cost of a transfer: airplane or train tickets, meeting of guests at the airport or railway station, as well as subsequent shipment.

If the goal of the vacation is to spend time with excitement, then junket tours turn out to be more profitable than just going to a casino. Roughly speaking, the guest receives a full range of services and a lot of pleasant experiences for the chips price.

Types of junkets

The junket tour doesn’t need to be as long as a trip to the sea. Besides casino tours of 7-14 days, you can also choose a junket for a weekend. Many casinos organize a bus transfer for weekends and holidays for guests from nearby cities. Visitors are picked up and returned back at the end of the weekend. At the same time, transfer is free, organizers pay for it at the expense of chips. The Shangri La network offers its guests a free transfer service and even a flight with a certain chips amount.

If the classic vacation is no longer attractive, one can consider a holiday option with a gambling excitement! Read more on shangrila.ge.

Україна | 25.11.2019 | Переглядів: 1525