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How to choose a private investigator?

Автор: Олег Ковальский, 04.05.2020, 19:08:05 How to choose a private investigator?

In our life, problems often arise that cannot be resolved by law enforcement agencies. For example, there are times when you need to execute a very delicate order, which a businessman cannot and does not want to voice to the security service of his company, which could fulfill such an order. A reasonable question arises - to whom to turn for help?

A detective agency can help in such situations. They specialize in solving problems that do not fall under the jurisdiction of law enforcement agencies. Now the question arises with the choice of a detective agency. There are many different solitary private investigators and detective agencies on the market. But not everyone is able to do the job efficiently and completely. Moreover, scammers work in large numbers on the market of detective services. This is due to the nature of the problems that customers turn to private investigators: almost none of the customers wants to disclose confidential information that he reports to a private investigator. It is this fact that scammers and pseudo-detectives take advantage of, compromising their victims who are trying to hire a private detective.

Characteristic features by which a fraudster can be distinguished from a real private investigator in Ukraine:

- Many scammers do not bother to create a solid web site with a detailed description of the services provided, they are limited exclusively to the main page and contacts. Sometimes all the services provided are placed in a single place on one page of services, without listing each on a separate page;

- fraudsters always work independently: on fraudster sites you will never find links to partners (other detective agencies) or information about their participation in various associations of private detectives, such as the International Association of Investigators and Anti-Crisis Experts, the All-Ukrainian Association of Private Detectives, Association of CIS detectives, various international organizations of private detectives;

- fraudsters and pseudo-detectives always give unrealistically low prices for the performance of detective services (they are still not going to fulfill them and spend the customer’s money on various requests). As a result, one who is looking for cheaper detective services finds a fraudster and remains without money and without performing services;

- fraudsters and pseudo-detectives take any orders into work, even when they are practically impossible, their main task is to entice money from the customer, and then say “we did the work, but the task cannot be completed”. The real private investigator in Kiev, before undertaking the execution of the order, will always first conduct a free preliminary analysis, assess the prospects for fulfillment, and then announce to the customer the probability of success, the cost and timing of the order.

When choosing a private bureau of investigators or a private detective, always pay attention to these aspects, and this will help you not to become a victim of scammers.

Автор: Олег Ковальский, редактор рубрики "Україна" на ЖЖ.info

Україна | 04.05.2020 | Переглядів: 1122 | private investigator

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