Живий Журнал
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Дорогенька Україна очима іноземців


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Україна очима іноземців

19.03.2011, 22:40:23 5220 3.1 14

Думки іноземців про Україну.

Цитати із форумів.

I have heard that it has got wonderful things to see - and it has corrupted officials .

My friend visited Ukraine on a travel delegation. Someone broke into his room, REMOVED the locks and stole his notebook, passport and all his money. His hotel was downtown, one of the better ones, and he suspects they were in on it

I read recently that in about 1932 there was a famine in which as many as 8 million, yes that's what I read, 8 million people, died in one year from starvation. I wonder why we never hear much about this. That must have taken a great toll on the people of the Ukraine.

Anyway I love the culture, nice ppl and the vodka is goood.

If you are looking for a submissive wife who will ever be so grateful for you married her and who will sacrifise all for her family - you are at the right place .
But if you are dreaming of a more modern woman then go somewhere else !

But there is corruption , public safety issues , and radiation and tb and other uncontrolled diseas .

Corruption for Ukraine enormous problem which interferes with our country to develop to the level of western Europe.We thought that orange revolution in 2004 something will change, but president Yushchenko appeared the same corrupted, as well as past presidents.

All the girls are gymnasts and all the boys drink Vodka straight.

Ukraine is a good country but now different parties are fighting for being in charge of the state there.

Dinamo Kiev is a famous football club from Ukraine and lots of brazilian footballers have played there

If you look for sex, go to Odessa in the summer.. If you want to see real Ukraine or some say it as Ukraina go to the western part.. It may be spelled Lviv but it is really Lvov.. Only Russians say Lviv

Ukraine as some other countries is a known perfect destination for sex tourism

there is a high immigration from ukraina

What about Ukraine, you have made a wrong choice electing that kremlin's servant president.

I know that Western Ukraine is full of Waffen SS and Gestapo sympathizers

Trying to move away from Russia's sphere of influence. Russia still has military bases there.

Western Ukraine is full of Waffen SS Nazi sympathizers whose main goal is to destroy the Russian culture and language in the country.

The pandemic of AIDS in Ukraine is the most severe in Europe and is only progressing not only in the risk groups, but in the whole of the population.

The use of the credit cards often raises problems in Ukraine.

They hate Russians.Kiev and Kharkov are cities in it as well as Odessa.
It grows much food. They are very much prone to independence

ukraine a small country produces wheat and suppressed by russia

Ukraine has serial killers with hammers.

Администрация сайта zhzh.info может не разделять точку зрения авторов опубликованных материалов и ответственность за них не несет.

Комментариев: 14
1 Темуджин (Aziat)   • 22:49:04, 19.03.2011 [Материал]

Почти то же самое можно написать про тайланд или любую другую страну третьего мира.

"ukraine a small country produces wheat and suppressed by russia" - песец. Шо иносранец, шо его гиды - идиоты.

2 Темуджин (Aziat)   • 22:50:36, 19.03.2011 [Материал]

If you look for sex, go to Odessa in the summer.. If you want to see real Ukraine or some say it as Ukraina go to the western part.. It may be spelled Lviv but it is really Lvov.. Only Russians say Lviv
3 Alex (Сашко)   • 23:11:15, 19.03.2011 [Материал]

Интересно, есть хоть что-то, что Азиату нравится?
Ну, кроме развала Америки и создания нового ссср, конечно. ;))
4 Темуджин (Aziat)   • 23:13:59, 19.03.2011 [Материал]

а тебе отзыв нравится?
12 Alex (Сашко)   • 12:19:01, 22.03.2011 [Материал]

Мне тоже не нравится- но это говорит о недостатке информации и зародышевом состоянии достойного представления Украины.

Мне пару лет назад англичане сказали "Наши друзья летали в Киев и офигели-там столько красивых женщин! Мы-то все до этого думали, что женщины у вас-некрасивые, толстые, волосатые и одеваются неряшливо!" ;))

5 Темуджин (Aziat)   • 08:08:29, 20.03.2011 [Материал]

Да ладно тебе, это был студент из зимбабве.
6 Людмила Харчук (Дорогенька)   • 10:56:15, 20.03.2011 [Материал]

Прогугли "What do you know about Ukraine?".
Перші 5 форумів.
Звідти і відповіді.
10 Karsten (KARSTEN)   • 22:48:53, 21.03.2011 [Материал]

Прогуглив "What do you know about Ukraine?" і зрозумів, що це окремо взяті тези з різних форумів. Певно автор хотів показати негатив про Україну. Хоча, почитавши на тих форумах думки іноземців про Україну, вони хочуть її пізнати, а хто був тут - сприймають досить позитивно та як миролюбну країну. Невдоволені лише ті, хто довго тут жив чи працював.
11 Людмила Харчук (Дорогенька)   • 09:59:35, 22.03.2011 [Материал]

саме негатив я хотіла і показати, ткнути носом в темні сторони.
13 Karsten (KARSTEN)   • 20:55:11, 22.03.2011 [Материал]

типу як Калгаріан. А толку?
14 Людмила Харчук (Дорогенька)   • 21:35:18, 22.03.2011 [Материал]

ткнути носом, часом треба.
7 FNR (FFanarr)   • 11:42:41, 20.03.2011 [Материал]

Ukraine has serial killers with hammers.
В Україні ходять серійні вбивці з молотками))))
8 Kichkiruk Vitaliy (Driver1)   • 01:56:01, 21.03.2011 [Материал]

оце почитав і згадав жарт:
"У конкурсі “Україна очима москалів” перемогу здобув пан Василь зі Львова, який виклав очима москалів трьохметрове слово УКРАЇНА!"
9 Ворон (Ворон)   • 10:23:39, 21.03.2011 [Материал]


Українці всіх країн - єднайтеся!!!


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