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Motrya Purple Cow Parodies


Оценка: 3.7/5 Голосов: 6

Purple Cow Parodies

13.11.2011, 12:27:20 1857 3.7 7

Here is the original poem...
A Purple Cow
By Mr. Gelett Burgess
I never saw a Purple Cow,
I never hope to see one;
But I can tell you, anyhow,
I'd rather see than be one.

Here is the poem parodied in the
style of...

Edgar Allen Poe
Parody by Susan and David Hollander
One lonely, gloomy, windswept eve
A mournful sound did I perceive.
I cast my eyes beyond the pane
And to my horror down the lane
Came a sight; I froze inside
A spectral cow with purple hide.

Emily Dickinson
Parody by Susan and David Hollander
On far off hills
And distant rills,
Sounds a distant moo.
A purple spot
I think I caught,
Yes! I see it, too!

In Bovine majesty she stands,
Her purple tail she swings,
The amethyst cow,
To my heart somehow,
Perfect joy she brings.

And yet the thought of being
Of that race of royal hue,
Though glowing like the violet sweet,
It really would not do.

John Keats
Parody by Carolyn Wells*
A cow of purple is a joy forever.
Its loveliness increases. I have never
Seen this phenomenon. Yet ever keep
A BRave lookout; lest I should be asleep
When she comes by. For, though I would not be one,
I've oft imagined 'twould be a joy to see one.

William Wordsworth

Parody by Carolyn Wells*
She dwelt among the untrodden ways
Beside the springs of Dee;
A Cow whom there were few to praise
And very few to see.

A violet by a mossy stone
Greeting the smiling East
Is not so purple, I must own,
As that erratic beast.

She lived unknown, that Cow, and so
I never chanced to see;
But if I had to be one, oh,
The difference to me!

Rudyard Kipling

Parody by Carolyn Wells*
In the old ten-acre pasture,
Lookin' eastward toward a tree,
There's a Purple Cow a-settin'
And I know she thinks of me.
For the wind is in the gum-tree,
And the hay is in the mow,
And the cow-bells are a-calling
"Come and see a Purple Cow!"

But I am not going now,
Not at present, anyhow,
For I am not fond of purple, and
I can't abide a cow;
No, I shall not go today,
Where the Purple Cattle play.
But I think I'd rather see one
Than to be one, anyhow.

Прикреплённые изображения:
Motrya Purple Cow Parodies
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Комментариев: 7
1 Сергей Михеев (Мейкпис)   • 17:46:08, 14.11.2011 [Материал]

А можна перевод? =-)
7 Motrya (Motrya)   • 11:18:47, 15.11.2011 [Материал]

(перевод оригинала)
Я Фиолетовой коровы
Не видел, к счастью, никогда.
Вид у нее, поди, бедовый,
Но ею быть – совсем беда.
2 sebast (sebast)   • 17:53:48, 14.11.2011 [Материал]

3 Сергей Михеев (Мейкпис)   • 18:00:17, 14.11.2011 [Материал]

4 джавахарлал нюру (telefon)   • 19:35:49, 14.11.2011 [Материал]

Читал такое о корове:
Корова - это большое животное с четырьмя ногами по углам. Из коровы делают котлеты, а картошка растёт отдельно!
А вольный перевод сейчас посмотрю через автопереводчик...
5 джавахарлал нюру (telefon)   • 19:41:33, 14.11.2011 [Материал]

Прочитал сейчас перевод. Даже выкладывать тут его не буду. Это настолько тонкий аглицкий юмор, что большинство, включая меня, его не поймут... )))
6 Alex (Сашко)   • 21:31:43, 14.11.2011 [Материал]

Даже знающим английским (ну, типа мне) "догнать" надо. В смысле, текст-то понятен, но написано в шутливом тоне как пародии на стили различных англ. поэтов,а я, к сожалению, не такой знаток английской поэзии...
Хотя по памяти могу одну эпитафию воспроизвести:

Reader! Pass on, don't waste your time
On bad biography and bitter rhyme,
For what I am this crumbling clay insures,
For what I was is not affair of yours


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